Depression Case 3
Name: Blake, Robert
Background Info:
Robert Blake (Male, born on September 18, 1933) is an American actor. He had starring roles in the film “In Cold Blood” and the U.S. television series “Baretta”.
With a difficult, hard working childhood, Blake’s first exposure in show business was at age two. He relates that he was abused physically, emotionally and sexually as a child by his folks, a once-time song and dance team, and spent much of his life in a rage. He and his brother, sister and mother were all victims of a drunken, violent step-father who would beat them mercilessly.
After being expelled from five schools, he was drafted in 1950, a "has-been" by the time he was 17. Rebellious, with periods of deep depression, he was compulsively resistant to authority and incapable of delegating authority. He spent time in the army stockade, and managed to get involved with heroin. Through his years he tried many of the various forms of self-destruct; drugs, alcohol and fights.
Blake married his girl friend, Bonny Lee Bakley, on 11/19/2000. The couple have a daughter together, Rose Lenore Sophia.
On 5/04/2001, Bonny and Robert had dinner at Vitello's, a studio city restaurant. They returned to their car but Blake went back into the restaurant to get a handgun that he had left there, a gun he was carrying as his wife was in fear of her life due to a threat. In the few minutes while Blake was gone, an unknown assailant shot and killed Bonny with one shot to the head as she sat in their Dodge Stealth. While his wife hemorrhaged and lay dying in the car, Robert Blake ran in a panic to the nearby home of Sean Stanek for help. "He was falling apart." Stanek told the press, "He was sick, he was throwing up, he was shaking, he was crying. He was really messed up." Blake entered the hospital for high blood pressure that night and was released early the next day. He was questioned and released and was not initially a suspect. Within a few days his status changed to that of a chief suspect in the investigation into the murder of his wife.
On 4/18/2002, Los Angeles police investigators arrested Robert Blake for the murder of Bonnie Bakley. Los Angeles Police Chief Bernard Parks said at the time that he anticipated Blake would be charged with two counts of solicitation of murder and one count of murder with special circumstances – a charge that could lead to the death penalty. Blake's handyman and bodyguard for the last two years, Earle Caldwell, was also arrested "for conspiracy to commit murder of Ms. Bakley," Parks said. Following an extensive investigation, police said they obtained arrest warrants against Blake and Caldwell on the morning of 04/18/2002. Both men were taken into custody – Blake at his sister's home in the gated Hidden Hills community,
On March 16, 2005 in Van Nuys, CA, Blake was acquitted of his wife's murder. Eight months after being acquitted of murdering his wife, the actor was found liable in the civil suit that charged him with her wrongful death. The judgment rendered on November 18, 2005 in Burbank, CA awards Bonny Lee Bakley’s children $30 million in damages.
ZWDS Chart:
Chart Analysis ---- the signs of depression:
Lai-Yin Palace (Life Health-Palace) Life Hua-Ke with Self Hua-Ke which became Ke-Out;
Life and Decade 15-24 Happiness-Palace Lu to Opposite;
Year 1950 Happiness-Palace Ji to Opposite.
Year 1950 Self-Palace Flying-Ji into Decade 15-24 Self-Palace/Life Siblings-Palace with Self Hua-Quan over there.