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Autism Case 4
Name: Schovanec, Josef
Background Info:
Male, born on December 2, 1981. A philosopher, French writer. Diagnosed Autistic Asperger. Until the age of 6, he could not say a word. At thirty, he is able to speak seven languages. He is the author of the best-seller "Je suis à l'Est".
ZWDS Chart:
Chart Analysis --- the signs of Autism:
There are 2 Lai-Yin Palaces in this chart, one of them Quan-Out and another one Lu-Out;
Lai-Yin Palace (Life Friends-Palace) Life Hua-Quan with Self Hua-Quan which is Quan-Out;
The second Lai-Yin Palace (Life Property) Life Hua-Lu with Self Hua-Lu which is Lu-Out.
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