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Depression Case 4

Name: “Broadcaster 7805”


Background Info:


Male, born on 26 May, 1936. American disc jockey who made 22 moves and worked in radio in nine states. He suffered nervous breakdowns in 7/1969, 11/1969 and had a severe depression in 7/1971.


ZWDS Chart:


































Chart Analysis ---- the signs of depression:

  1. Lai-Yin Palace (Life Health-Palace) Lu to Opposite with Life Hua-Lu at the Opposite which became Lu-Out;

  2. Decade 35-44 Health-Palace with Life Hua-Ji and Self Hua-Quan, also clashed Life Health-Palace;

  3. Year 1971 Self-Palace went into Decade 35-44 Health-Palace.

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